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This blog series covers the monthly La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Board of Directors meetings. We’re tracking the board for transparency and accountability, as well as to stay current on their renewable energy initiatives. Find past and future spotlights here.

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This month, Tri-State announced that they plan to cut emissions from Colorado electricity sales 80% by 2030, a goal that puts them on track with Colorado’s emissions reductions goals. As we all know, Tri-State has long resisted the transition to renewable energy, so this announcement was huge news.

But even though Tri-State’s new commitments are a step in the right direction, they still have a long way to go. For one thing, Tri-State has not put forward a plan that details how they will reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, and they even have plans for a large expansion into natural gas. While this announcement was certainly welcome news, some of Tri-State’s rhetoric (as usual) is simply smoke and mirrors designed to hide the reality that Tri-State has fundamental flaws that must be fixed if it wants to retain its members.

A new IEEFA report shows that Tri-State is committed to coal through 2030, and they plan on still using coal for generation until 2050. Tri-State’s rate forecast also shows a 55% increase by 2050, even though most utilities show flat or even decreasing rates in the years ahead.

The report dives into how decisions like these erode member trust, alienating member co-ops who want actual cooperation from their generation and transmission provider. We need Tri-State to listen to us: co-ops want cheaper, cleaner electricity that most other utilities in the West are taking advantage of and committing to.

Luckily, there are a few ways that member-owners like you can continue to be involved and make sure that your voice is heard!

Ways You Can Get Involved:


1. Attend a Tri-State Board meeting

There are two Tri-State board meetings coming up on December 2nd and December 8th. At the latter, we anticipate Tri-State’s board will take a vote on amending its policies regarding clean energy acquisitions outside the 95% contracts. To listen in and show them that we are paying attention, email Morgan Biddison ( and request the meeting information.

2. Be ready for Tri-State to release their Electric Resource Plan (ERP)

This long-term resource plan will likely be released in the next few days! We’ll be sending out ways you can have your voice be heard, so stay engaged and keep your eyes open!


Next LPEA Meetings:

December Board Meeting: Wednesday December 16th via Zoom (credentials can be found on the LPEA website.) Public comment is at 9am.

Call or email your LPEA Board Directors.

(Hover over your neighborhood for contact information!)

Note: the LPEA districts have changed! We’re in the process of updating our website- check the LPEA website for now to view the district maps. 

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