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This blog series covers the monthly La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Board of Directors meetings. We’re tracking the board for transparency and accountability, as well as to stay current on their renewable energy initiatives. Find past and future spotlights here.

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After members repeatedly voiced two requests from LPEA, for low rates and increased environmental stewardship, the Board voted in January on a new goal that aims to reduce LPEA’s carbon footprint by 50% by 2030 while keeping rates low.

And since then, the Board has continued its quest to increase transparency and responsiveness towards member needs.

This month, LPEA voted on a variety of measures to address member concerns:


Easing the pressure on low-income families:

One thing we can all agree on is that we want rates to be low, particularly for the most vulnerable members of our community. To address this, the Board voted (link) in November to allocate a $50,000 inline item in the 2019 budget to 4CORE. This money is like a fee for service: LPEA will pay 4CORE to develop programs that help all members save on their bills.

4CORE presented a work plan to LPEA this month detailing the programs to be implemented. One facet of the plan is increased energy efficiency services, which will help members lower their electric bills and ease their financial burdens, something that’s particularly important for our low-income community members. These programs will also help LPEA reach its new carbon reduction goal.


Increasing transparency:

After repeated complaints about the difficulty of staying engaged with LPEA matters, the Board voted this month to keep videos of their Board meetings archived on LPEA’s site for an entire year. That way, if you cannot make a meeting or watch the live-stream, you can catch up on what’s going on from the comfort of your own home on your own time.

In an effort to increase financial transparency, the Board also agreed to disclose contributions and expenditures to outside organizations on their website, and will formalize the policy before the Annual Meeting this May.


Ensuring member voices are heard:

Members worried about the possibility of LPEA making big power supply decisions without member input approached the Board with a petition to put such decisions to a vote of the membership. In response, the Board voted to put an article on the 2019 LPEA Ballot that will address these concerns. The final details have yet to be worked out, but the bottom line is that the Board wants member voices to be heard regarding significant co-op decisions.

All these actions showcase LPEA’s increased commitment to transparency and responsiveness, so showing up to Board meetings and voicing your opinions really works. Ask questions, say thank you, and make sure your voices are heard.

Stay informed, stay involved, and keep up all the good work!

In other news…

It’s LPEA Election season!!

LPEA made huge strides in the last year toward an affordable, sustainable future, but we still have lots of work to do!

We’re working to elect directors who will lower rates, boost our local economy, and clean up the environment by advocating for renewable energy.

Visit to learn more about this spring’s elections and how you can get involved!

Check out this year’s active, forward-thinking candidates for the LPEA Board of Directors!

Hover over your district and learn who’s running to promote clean air, affordable rates, and vibrant local communities!

You get to vote for one candidate in your district, so take some time and get to know who’s running in your area. Then go to to learn more.



Next LPEA Meeting:
Wednesday, March 20th at 9am at the LPEA Headquarters.  Public comment is at 9am.

Next Power Supply Committee Meetings:
Thursday, March 7th, 9am-12pm, LPEA Headquarters.
Thursday, March 21st, 9am-12pm, LPEA Headquarters.

Call or email your LPEA Board Directors.

(Hover over your neighborhood for contact information!)

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