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This blog series covers the monthly La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Board of Directors meetings. We’re tracking the board for transparency and accountability, as well as to stay current on their renewable energy initiatives. Find past and future spotlights here.

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2019 is already seeing some exciting progress for LPEA.


As co-op unrest builds across Colorado and Tri-State’s reputation falters, LPEA continues to forge ahead in search of low rates and clean power.

This month, LPEA’s Board of Directors took two more big steps forward.


The Board voted UNANIMOUSLY on a new resolution to decrease LPEA’s carbon footprint by 50% by 2030 while keeping rates below 70% of other electric co-ops in the state. Not a single board member voted against it. Only Director Doug Lyon of Durango (District 3) was absent for the vote, making it 11-0!

This is HUGE news! LPEA is actively working towards securing an affordable, responsible future for all members. The broad support behind the resolution, including staff and Director backing, will encourage collaboration as LPEA pushes to turn these goals into a reality.


LPEA will file as an intervener on behalf of Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) in their complaint against Tri-State. Fed up with Tri-State’s “dramatically high” exit charge, DMEA has asked the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to step in.

As an intervener, LPEA will be a party in the case and have the ability to litigate in court. The Board voted 7-4 to intervene. (Director Doug Lyon was again absent for this vote).

This vote will help protect LPEA’s future interests by ensuring that Tri-State treats member co-ops fairly. If it is ruled that the PUC has jurisdiction over Tri-State, LPEA and other member co-ops will be able to count on their regulatory oversight to ensure fair and just treatment from Tri-State. Regardless of how LPEA chooses to pursue affordable rates and clean energy, they’ll rely on nondiscriminatory policies.

It’s an exciting time in the co-op world, and LPEA is at the forefront of these major developments.

But remember, we’ve only made this kind of progress because you, the member-owners of LPEA, have been showing up and voicing your opinion.

For example, LPEA staff based their new resolution on the two main comments they kept hearing from members: 1) concerns about rates and 2) concerns about the environment. LPEA took action because of you! Your persistence made this latest resolution happen. Nice work!

LPEA is on its way to a cleaner and more affordable future, but we’ve got stay informed and involved. Ask questions, thank your LPEA representatives, and keep up all the good work!


Next LPEA Meeting:
Wednesday, February 20th at 9am at the LPEA Headquarters.  Public comment is at 9am.

Next Power Supply Committee Meetings:
Thursday, February 7th, 9am-12pm, LPEA Headquarters.
Thursday, February 21st, 9am-12pm, LPEA Headquarters.

Call or email your LPEA Board Directors.

(Hover over your neighborhood for contact information!)


  • Rich Pellicore says:

    Keep up the good work.

  • Jim Milstein says:

    Not so long ago, except for the lone voice of Director Berman, the board’s great interest was in how to burn more coal. The board members were Tri-State’s lackeys. Times change.

    Irritating from that period were LPEA’s public relations faux demographics, where the coop owners were depicted as elderly white couples on their rural retirement ranches: western sentimentality plus implicit and probably unthinking racism and class bias. And, let us not ignore the extended civic religion rituals at the annual business meetings.

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