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We need your voice to help ensure Colorado appoints strong candidates to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission!

Help shape the future of Colorado's wildlife by urging Colorado state senators to encourage the confirmation of four of Governor Polis' appointees to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

  • The Colorado State Senate will be voting on the confirmation of four of Governor Polis’ appointees to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, possibly as soon as Tuesday, March 18th.
  • The appointees have all demonstrated a commitment to thoughtful, balanced, and inclusive management of Colorado’s wildlife and deserve to be confirmed.
  • Please contact all Colorado state Democratic senators, and your Senator if they are not a Democrat. To find your senator, click the link below.

Suggested Talking Points

  • Encourage the confirmation of all four appointments to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission by the Colorado Senate.
  • Jay Tutchton and Dallas May are in line for appointments to a second term.
    • May is a lifelong rancher who values wildlife and conservation
    • Tutchton is a long-time conservation advocate and environmental attorney
  • Murphy Robinson and Tai Jacober, two new appointees, should also be confirmed as they have also demonstrated that they are fair and effective Commissioners
    • Robinson is a long time hunter and angler with significant law enforcent experience, important as a CPW Commissioner
    • Jacober is a rancher in the Roaring Fork Valley near Glenwood springs, and was once the largest grass-fed beef producer in the state
  • All of the candidates have important background, education, and dedication to make them ideal CPW Commissioners

What Makes a Good Comment?

The key here is QUALITY over quantity. One person’s well-written comment stands out more than many people’s short, unspecific comments. We are encouraging folks to take their time and submit thoughtful comments. Here are a few things to keep in mind writing your comment:

  • Personalize your comment!
  • Identify and explain the problem
  • Offer factual and unbiased information and make it place-based – for example, this interaction happened at this location
  • Provide personal experiences and observations
  • Highlight what is good with the plan
  • Short comments are not better comments. Details are good, and having a longer comment does not mean it won’t be read!


Contact Wildlife Program Manager Gary Skiba at