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BLM Ignored Public

BLM, can you hear us?

By Oil & Gas No Comments
Last week, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proved their determination to elevate the interests of the oil and gas industry above those of the people they’re charged to protect – twice. But we can’t give up now. GREATER CHACO…
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#DontFrackChaco Rally on 1/17!

By Oil & Gas One Comment

On Tuesday, four Navajo Nation chapter presidents, impacted community members, and one NM State Representative met with State Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Amy Lueders. The group requested a cancellation of the January 2017 oil and gas lease sale…

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Chaco Canyon Photo by Mark Pearson

Court allows continued intensive, unstudied fracking in Greater Chaco Northwest New Mexico oil drilling will continue despite risks to communities, cultural resources and environment

By Oil & Gas No Comments
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Farmington Field Office has agreed that their 2003 Resource Management Plan (RMP) does not sufficiently plan for fracking around Chaco Canyon. Yet, while they amend their RMP to reflect this awareness, they are still approving…
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Our attorney says #NoPillage

By Lands Protection No Comments

“There’s a sense of… disgust and outrage with our federal agency employees who know better.” For three decades we have fought to protect Wolf Creek Pass from Texas-billionaire Red McCombs’ “Village at Wolf Creek” development. Wolf Creek Pass is a…

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Wolf Creek Files

Wolf Creek Files

By Wolf Creek No Comments
Our attorney’s dug through the “Wolf Creek Files” and what they found confirmed our worst fears: The National Forest Service was in collusion with developer Red “B.J.” McCombs, again. We're sharing the evidence with you. Ever had the desire to read through…
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