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This blog series covers the monthly La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Board of Directors meetings. We’re tracking the board for transparency and accountability, as well as to stay current on their renewable energy initiatives. Find past and future spotlights here.

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A lot has been going on  in the electric co-op world! Between new co-op transparency reforms, rate reductions, and the LPEA Board of Directors Election, a lot has happened since our last Spotlight. Read on to learn more about each issue, and don’t forget to vote in LPEA elections.

Co-op Reform Bill Passes

In March, HB 21-1131, a sweeping co-op reform bill, was introduced to the Colorado Legislature. And by the end of April, the bill had been signed into law by Gov. Jared Polis!

This is a huge victory for transparency and fairness for electric co-ops like LPEA. The new law makes current electric co-op governance and transparency laws applicable to G&Ts. It also modernizes and clarifies election procedures for electric co-ops so that every member can easily and securely cast their vote for board members. Moving forward, the new law will help hold Tri-State to higher standards of accountability, transparency, and fairness, all of which will benefit LPEA on its path towards cleaner, cheaper power.

Rate Decrease at LPEA

After lengthy negotiations, Tri-State approved a rate settlement that will reduce wholesale power rates to co-op members, including LPEA. Rates will be reduced by 2% immediately, and will be reduced by an additional 2% in March of 2022. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) must now approve this rate change, and once approved it will go into effect retroactively, as of March 2021.

These victories wouldn’t happen without an active, forward-thinking Board willing to ask hard questions and do the necessary work to move LPEA forward. And in order to maintain this Board, it’s imperative to vote in LPEA elections, bringing us to our final topic:

Time to Vote for Clean Energy!

It’s LPEA election season! Voting in this election is the easiest way to make a difference in the fight for cleaner, cheaper energy here in Southwest Colorado.

We are endorsing candidates who will ask hard questions and work for a brighter future at LPEA:

District 2 (South & West La Plata County) – Mark Walser

District 3 (City of Durango) – Ted Compton

District 4 (North La Plata County) – Incumbent Tim Wheeler

Your ballot should have arrived by now- fill it out and return it ASAP! Ballots are due back to LPEA by June 16th. You can drop it off at LPEA or mail it back, but be sure to drop it in the mail by June 9th so it arrives on time!

Less than 25% of our community votes in these elections: your voice matters.


Next LPEA Meetings:

Annual Meeting: Thursday June 17th at 6pm. This year’s annual meeting will be part virtual, part in person. More details on the LPEA website.

June Board Meeting: Wednesday June 16th at 9am. Zoom information on the LPEA website.

Call or email your LPEA Board Directors.

(Hover over your neighborhood for contact information!)

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