Expose Enchant Energy - We need your voice in asking the Farmington BLM to do a comprehensive environmental analysis of this project that includes thorough public participation. Enchant Energy is a company that seeks to continue burning coal at the…
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Rivers and streams in the West are facing a lot of challenges these days, especially in the face of an undeniably warming world. As climate change progresses, our waterways are increasingly stressed by worsening droughts, wildfire, and diminished flows. The…
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Or linked here: https://www.sanjuancitizens.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Hydrogen-Press-release-October-5-2021.docx.pdf
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A friend recently lamented the apparent disappearance of Colorado’s trademark cobalt blue skies, those piercingly clear summer days in the mountains when you can see almost forever. Instead, our peaks and valleys are obscured by smoke in a ritual repeated…
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